
need advice: reflux and nipple confusion

This is my first post, and I really need some help!  My LO was born 7 weeks early, was in NICU for nearly a month, and is now 1 week adjusted.  We are really STRUGGLING!!  She has bad reflux and has been on zantac, and is now on Prevacid--which doesn't seem to be helping much.  She still arches her back and screams in pain all night long, and after most feedings.  Night-time is by far the worst though!  I only get 1 or 2 hours of sleep.  I am trying to breastfeed, but she is having terrible nipple-confusion because of the 2 bottles/day we are fortifying.  This week I took away those bottles and breastfed exclusively...the nipple confusion got much better, but her weight gain is pretty low because of it.  Last night I decided to give her a bottle again to make sure that was really causing the nipple confusion, and now she doesn't want to nurse (I use a shield) OR take the bottle.  I don't know what to do. 

I really think the reflux issues are more of a flap problem than just the acid.  It doesn't seem to help at all to keep her upright...she still has severe pain.  And the meds aren't really helping.  My doctor's office is far from helpful, and we are in a small town with few other resources.  I'm afraid I will have to stop nursing while they figure out her reflux issues.  She also has a very poor sucking reflex, making nursing extremely frustrating and time consuming.  She is my 5th baby, and I am struggling with taking care of her and my other kids on virtually no sleep.  Any advice on meds or other things that may help us?  I feel like I'm re-living those first few really hard "new mom" days OVER and OVER again.  It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier for us.  HELP!     

Re: need advice: reflux and nipple confusion

  • I don't breast feed, but Jacob had really bad reflux.  We are on reglan and zantac, but it wasn't until we switched to soy formula that he was a new child...he started eating so much more and was much happier.  Now he eats about 24-28oz a day and is sleeping through the night.  I don't know what advice to give you since I don't breast feed, but hugs to you and hang in there. Maybe a different med would work....
    After a loss at 13wks and years dealing with IF and failed treatments (3 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF), we have been blessed with DS (surprise BFP) and now his little sister (2nd round of clomid and TI) on her way. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker image
  • I'm so sorry for your stress. DS was on Prevacid and our pedi warned us it could take as much as 3 weeks on it before we saw a difference. I think we saw improvement on week 2 sometime. I know that doesn't exactly help you currently but maybe that's why it seems like she hasn't responded yet.

    With regards to the nipple confusion, could you try a different nipple? One that's more like a human one - latex or a different form than typical Avent type ones?

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  • I'm sorry :( We saw an improvement on Prilosec after a week!

    I'm not sure about nipple confusion :/

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