I had my follow up neurologist appt today...
1. He thought LO was 3 weeks old and his jaw dropped when I said she was a 34 weeker and is 2 months old.
2. He and I swapped stories since he and his wife had a 35 weeker.
3. My blood pressure and my headaches are a lot better, but I still have to monitor bp 1x a day and go bimonthly to have my primary monitor it. I also have to continue keeping a headache journal.
4. It seems ironic to me that my neurologist cares more about my elevated blood pressure when I was pregnant than my OB did. So now I'm starting to look for a new OB. While pregnant a low bp for me was 140s over mid 90s, and several times in the OBs office it was much higher than that. (My highest was 170/107). I love this doctor. If anyone in NJ needs a neurologist, pm me!
Re: NPR sorta...
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
I'm glad you had a good appt!
My OB was very concerned about my BP, so I had no complaints there, But I did also end up seeing a neurologist afterward (head numbness, then they said I had a brain growth, long story) and she was also very concerned about the effects the BP had on my brain. She took it a lot more seriously than I expected.
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