DH forgot to leave the stroller at daycare, so I had to walk DD home. The bus was late, so I got there at 5:30, howling wind and 23 degrees. Not walking her home.
So we go to the family friendly restaurant for dinner. DD hasn't pooped in 3 days. She says she has to go, I take her. She says no when she sees the potty. We go back to the table. Dinner comes. She says she has to go poopy. We go back to the potty. She sits on the toilet and pees, and has some poop residue (?) in her undies. I take off the undies. Go back to the table. A few minutes later she has to try again, still no poopy.
DH is stuck in traffic to pick us up. DD gets cranky. Starts throwing a fit. I tell her she has to sit in her seat or she won't get to watch any shows when she gets home. She ignores me. She is crying/fit throwing, everyone is staring at me thinking 'why don't you leave???' Finally, I put her coat on and we got outside to wait for DH.
She cries the whole way home. Calms down at home and says sorry. Then starts crying because she wants to watch a show, which I told her no. She ended up falling asleep in my arms after she finally finished crying.
What a nightmare.
Re: Can I tell you about my total disaster tonight?
AND you're pregnant!! That adds at least 10 stress points to every situation!
Im sorry! I hope tomorrow is as lovely as today was crummy!
sorry you had such a rough evening!
I am sure you know, but liquidy poopie stuff on undies when the child is constipated is not a good sign... it means she's really constipated. I'd call the dr tomorrow...
You might've already done so. Sorry if you were not looking for suggestions.