I'm super pale and so is my DH. We therefore have kids who are close to transparent. I just put DS in a lime green sweatshirt and all of a sudden, he has the most beautiful skintone and his eyes pop out. His skin actually looks like a very light olive. Who knew?
So anyway, I have super pale skin, dark green eyes (think forrest green) and dark hair. I'm guessing the red I love to wear is doing me no favors. Anyone know enough about color theory to steer me toward any colors that will make me "pop" like DS just did? (DS's coloring, down to his eyes, is very similar to mine, but I doubt if I could pull off lime green!)
Re: anyone know anything about colors/fashion?
We have the same coloring. I have really dark hair and very fair skin with really dark hazelish/greenish eyes. Honestly I stick with a lot of dark greys, blacks, deep reds and the occassional deep purple because I love purple.
ditto this