Baby Showers

adoption wording

I'm working on making invitations for a shower for a friend's sister who is adopting twins. Any wording suggestions for an adoption baby shower?

photo 444e1a74-1f01-47b5-8489-88b2999f2e54_zpse873dcde.jpg 

Mommy's sweet girls

Kaatje Grace 4.26.2010

Eloise Hope 2.10.2012


Re: adoption wording

  • I'm assuming the shower is after the babies arrive?  It's generally best to wait until the babies are with their new parents to have the shower.

    "It's Twins!  John and Jennifer Smith are the proud new parents of twin girls, age six weeks.

    Come shower them with love on February 10, 2010 from 1:00 to 3pm at the home of Chelsea Jones, 123 Main Street.  Please RSVP to 555.444.3333."

  • Ditto PP or, if its before they have them, word it like you would any other shower invite.  My invitations didn't say that I was pregnant.  Plus, I presume that anyone who is invited will know that she's adopting. Take it from someone who is adopted...the fact that they are adopting doesn't need to be an issue. 
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  • imageocho2002:
    Ditto PP or, if its before they have them, word it like you would any other shower invite.  My invitations didn't say that I was pregnant.  Plus, I presume that anyone who is invited will know that she's adopting. Take it from someone who is adopted...the fact that they are adopting doesn't need to be an issue. 

    this. - I support Newt Gingrich's idea of colonizing the moon if it'll help me get away from Newt Gingrich.

    My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09

    My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11

  • imagehaleymay18:

    Ditto PP or, if its before they have them, word it like you would any other shower invite.  My invitations didn't say that I was pregnant.  Plus, I presume that anyone who is invited will know that she's adopting. Take it from someone who is adopted...the fact that they are adopting doesn't need to be an issue. 



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