
And another rant about the apnea monitor...

Olivia took the neumogram and obviously didn't pass it because she got sent home with the monitor.

It really bugs me that no one ever sat down with us to explain the results, they just said she failed it and shoved the monitor training packet in our faces. I was so overwhelmed I never got to ask the million questions I have about the whole process and quite frankly I think its an insurance racket.

The last week she was in the unit she set off the alarms once because she started to dance and ripped the leads off her chest. So all of a sudden it was bad enough to go home with a monitor???

So at any rate on December first she had a download, and the company told me they would send the results to the pedi. Got to the pedi's office today and they never received it. So I'm obviously pissed off so I call the monitor company. They sent the data to another hospital's NICU (not even the hospital LO was born at!)

To make things even better than just a blaring hipaa violation, they wouldn't give me the contact number for that hospital's NICU. So I had to call the pedi's office back and they now have to hound the monitor company for the data. I am so sick of this frigging monitor, and quite frankly I feel like if the pedi thinks Olivia is fine to go out in public then why the hell are they so tentative to take her off the monitor (see my other post about the weird nightmare for details on that).

I swear to god, I just one one f*cking normal day without the monitor, without any bs, and no ILs.

Where can I get tickets to preemie island?

Re: And another rant about the apnea monitor...

  • i think my blood pressure doubled just reading that! i liked the reassurance that monitor provided, but i swear, i have never, ever in my life been so angered by an inanimate object! i swear, between the insurance company, the doctors, and the hospital, they were all out to keep DS on that monitor for the rest of his life. lost results, DELETED results (!!!!!), missed download appointments, keeping him on the monitor for an alarm that never sounded!

    we had the monitor from december to april. which is ridiculous because they weren't even going to do the test to see if he needed a monitor until a nurse wrote down an "alarm" that he had when she wasn't even there. i am still 100% convinced that he never needed it. four months and that damn thing didn't go off once....

    i am soooo sorry that you're having a bunch of the same problems! give me the phone number of the monitor company and i'll kick some booty for you - i clearly still have pent up resentment! Smile

  • I swear that the monitor companies and the synagis companies get together and figure that preemie parents must not be busy and would rather hassle with them all day.

    We had alot of trouble with downloads and then getting DS off of the monitor (our pedi said the NICU had do discountinue it and the NICU said the pedi did) I finally got a copy of the downloads for 2 months and there were no episodes.  I signed a AMA (against medical advice) and had DS taken off the monitor.  No one really felt like he needed it but no one wanted to be the one to take him off so I did.  Just an opinion.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • I really feel for you on this.  We've had all kinds of monitor frustrations of our own.  Just hope yours never malfunctions...DS's monitor went bad and it made the loose lead beeeeeeeeeep for about 4 straight hours before someone finally got out to our house to fix it.  DS was crying, I was crying and the dog hid in the laundry room.  I finally had to disconnect it from DS, wrap it in a blanket, put it in a cooler out on our back porch so I could get a break from the noise.

    And I agree there is some insurance racket going on too...wait till you see what the monitor company bills your ins. co for the rental and any service calls!

  • Ugh, I so hear you on this. HUGS
    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • Hugs! I have to say that my monitor company, monitor, & doctors have been great. Since C has been home his monitor has gone off 230 times. Out of all of those only 60 have been real brady's. So C will be on the monitor for at lease 2 more months. I feel your pain though, some days I wish I could throw it out the window.
  • imagearthist24:

    I really feel for you on this.  We've had all kinds of monitor frustrations of our own.  Just hope yours never malfunctions...DS's monitor went bad and it made the loose lead beeeeeeeeeep for about 4 straight hours before someone finally got out to our house to fix it.  DS was crying, I was crying and the dog hid in the laundry room.  I finally had to disconnect it from DS, wrap it in a blanket, put it in a cooler out on our back porch so I could get a break from the noise.

    And I agree there is some insurance racket going on too...wait till you see what the monitor company bills your ins. co for the rental and any service calls!

    I think if that happened I would have to accidentally back over the monitor with my car. And then accidentally run back over it the other way. Wait, I'd probably get a flat. Maybe just accidentally dropping out my 2nd story window onto the concrete patio. That might work just as well.

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