He was a PITA. He ran off in the store, we looked for him forever, he'd yell, run off, it was nuts.
So at checkout my dad gave the store manager his name and phone number, my brother's name, told him what was going on, what my brother looked like/was wearing, and they agreed to call when he finally realized we left.
An hour later they called, dad went back & got him. Never did it again! lol
There's no way in hell I could do this.
Re: We left my brother at the grocery store once. On purpose.
He was playing games- he wasn't upset. He'd be one aisle over yelling that he was there, and then go hide. He laughed the whole time. Until he finally realized we did actually leave.
I think he was about 8.
Like I said, no way in hell could I ever do this.
lola cell would have made it better back then
I love it when people bring cell phones up. Like I was talking to this mom of a kindergartener who walks home after school. She said she was fine with it because she has a cell. I always think to myself "what the hell is that going to do" because really if she gets hit by a car is she going to reach for the phone or if some weirdo tries to take her is she able to say "please sir may I have a moment to call my mom and let her know you are taking me?"
Well, there is that. LOL