
We left my brother at the grocery store once. On purpose.

He was a PITA.  He ran off in the store, we looked for him forever, he'd yell, run off, it was nuts.

So at checkout my dad gave the store manager his name and phone number, my brother's name, told him what was going on, what my brother looked like/was wearing, and they agreed to call when he finally realized we left.

An hour later they called, dad went back & got him.  Never did it again! lol

There's no way in hell I could do this. 

Re: We left my brother at the grocery store once. On purpose.

  • Wow that's crazy! How was HE not arrested?
  • We left my brother at church tons of times. Turns out, he hid most of the time when we were leaving and our Pastor would take him home and buy him a shake froom McDonalds.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • That is so sad :(  I remember one time when I could not find my mother at an outdoor flea market and I freaked ( I was 10 or 11 at the time) I just remember crying.  I was scared to death so I could never do that to my kids
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  • These days a parent would be arrested for that but I don't blame your dad one bit.
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • He was playing games- he wasn't upset.  He'd be one aisle over yelling that he was there, and then go hide.  He laughed the whole time.  Until he finally realized we did actually leave.

    I think he was about 8. 

    Like I said, no way in hell could I ever do this.

  • imageccm1203:
    These days a parent would be arrested for that but I don't blame your dad one bit.


  • my mom left me at home alone once when I was like 6 because I was being a pain about getting in the car.  we had already locked up the house and she said stay here.  I was hard headed and said fine.  she left (only drove around the block a few times) and I went and sat on the back porch.  It scared me enough not to pull that crap again ;)
  • were scared and crying at 11?  I was babysitting at that age!  I wouldn't blame your dad.  I went to the mall with my oldest (now in her later 20's with a DS of her own) and at the time she was 3.  I was in Sears shopping with my older sister and my DD kept going under the clothes and getting close to the door that goes into the mall area.  I kept watching her (through the little sign on top of the rack...she could not see me.  I saw her go out into the mall and go up to a little fence with little Santa elves beyong and they were all moving.  She looked back...I could see her looking for me.  I figured she'd come running back crying.  Nope...when she didn't see me...she hopped that fence so fast and touched every elf in there and then hopped back over the fence and ran back to Sears.  Little sh!t. 
  • Yes I wasn't in an area I knew and there were a ton of people there.  I baby sat at 12 also but I had no idea where the people I came with were and I prob thought they left me behind.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • least we have cell phones now!   lol
  • lola cell would have made it better back then

    I love it when people bring cell phones up.  Like I was talking to this mom of a kindergartener who walks home after school.  She said she was fine with it because she has a cell.  I always think to myself "what the hell is that going to do" because really if she gets hit by a car is she going to reach for the phone or if some weirdo tries to take her is she able to say "please sir may I have a moment to call my mom and let her know you are taking me?"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • Your dad should have never answered the store managers call. He should have left his stupid ass there permanently.
  • imageMelandJeff:
    Your dad should have never answered the store managers call. He should have left his stupid ass there permanently.

    Well, there is that.  LOL

  • We did that!!! My sister was being a total pain and we left her at a gas station. I cried to go back and get her. We did go back (obviously) and she was very smug about it. Not sorry one bit. Should have left her there!!! ;)
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