Cooper pulled it out yesterday, and they haven't needed to put it back in. His doctor ordered him on Ad-lib cue 3, so he can take whatever he wants every 3 hours, as long as it averages 55 ccs every feed. The first feed, he took 75, the second he took 59. I'm so excited- this was our last hurdle to clear before coming home.
Part of me is terrified to get my hopes up, I don't think I will really believe he is ever coming home until we are driving away from the hospital that last time...
Re: Buh-Bye NG Tube!
My Blog
One of my guys was home 24 hours after he went ad lib on demand. The other guy took a bit over a week, but he was still having multiple bradies/desats a day.
I think it is amazing how these kids decide when they are done with certain interventions! DS removed himself from his vent and from his NG tube and both times they didn't need to go back to those things. Yea!
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10