I don't have one since I donated my hair, but this one is from October, at my husband's school's homecoming. I have no idea why the puss on Brendan's face . . . but I do like the pic, LOL!
This isn't the most recent, but it is the one I have on this computer. It's sad that we only have a couple of pictures of all of us in the last several months!
Re: Okay, PIP your family! It's been a while!
From the summer. It's the most recent one I have of all of us together.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
LOL, I don't think I would've noticed the vampire if you hadn't said anything! That's pretty funny!
I don't have one w/ all of us (mh won't take pictures!) but here is one of me and Alissa.
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
Taken just last weekend while getting our christmas tree.
Not the best picture of the hubs but he'll forgive me.
this was last year. We dont' often get our picture taken as a family. It looks kind of distorted.
Not the best picture, but the most recent...ignore my grizzly husband, he was gone for 2 months and didn't shave or trim the whole time