I do have a couple questions about the Ontario process:
1. What is the average age of the children available for adoption?
2. How much input can you give about preferred gender, religion, background, etc.? I don't care about race at all, but I am hoping to adopt a girl. Does Children's Aid really frown on making your gender wishes known?
DS #1: May 25, 2007
DS #2: Jan 7, 2009
DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s
Re: ******piecesofflare******
We are in the process of finishing up our adoption from B.C....... We are from TN and adopted from the province. We only paid for our part of things and the province paid for everything else. We are at less than $5,000 and I do not think that it will much over that if any.
If you have questions ask.