

Is the radian 80 taller than the 65?  I was told they're the same size.  I ask because we have one ordered for DD2, who is currently in our old comfortsport (which DD1 outgrew RF at 14 months) and we want to RF longer.  We installed DD1s Radian 65 RF next to the comfortsport RF and they actually took up the exact same amount of space despite the height differences since the radian's base is so much smaller. 

We can't fit both RF in  our beetle (RF behind the driver is not an option since I hit the steering wheel and dashboard and DH can't fit in the drivers seat at all then), but want to keep DD2 RF as long as possible.  Since DD1 is over 2 I'm comfortable with her being FF at this point since it would be more unsafe for me to drive with a RF child behind me than for her to ride FF.


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