the man is on e-bay looking for Mickey Mouse Vinylmation figures and pins to complete the two sets of each he started on vacation. Please keep in mind that these are NOT for our child, they are for himself.
Do they ever really grow up? DH is 37 and keeps insisting he's 12. FWIW, he's a video game geek. I got him one for his birthday (beginning of November) and he used his GC from my parents to get another one because he was back hooked on his Xbox. I don't think I've seen him much in the last month or so. He plays almost every night after the girls go to sleep. I am usually working so I guess I can't talk. I finally finished work last night and came in to find him playing his game again when I just wanted to veg and watch TV for a short bit and I might have lost it a little.
Re: DH=child trapped in a grown mans body