Hi everyone,
We visited the NICU yesterday in anticipation of having twin preemies (32 or 34 weeks is our best case scenario). We also got to meet with the pediatrician.
First of all, wow, I am so glad that I took all of the advice I got here and actually went on the tour. It was overwhelming, but it was good to find out certain things now .. and to SEE the NICU before our LO's get there.
Secondly, I was just amazed. I saw a few Moms in there and I just wish that I could have expressed support to all of them. Honestly, I thought that seeing all the little babies would upset us even more(which would be hard because we are on eggshells already), but very honestly I just gained some admiration for the babies themselves, such sweetness and such little fighters at the same time. To me they all looked very brave. I know its gonna be hard, but at least we are somewhat prepared now.
The trip was good and well worth it, especially the conversation with the pediatrician on outcomes for different gestational ages and birth weights. The nurses all carry these cards in their pockets. Just thought I would share - just in case you need to pass the link along to someone - as I am sure that most of you have seen these.
Numbers are given as # per 1,000 - so if it says "982" that means "982 out each 1,000 survived. You can read that as a percentage also "98.2%"
Re: Took your advice went on the NICU tour yesterday
We were VERY glad that we were able to tour before DD was born - we were a bit calmer asking questions that we knew might come up. And once DD got there we already sort of knew what to expect. Good luck to you!
I'm glad you took the tour and it was helpful.
I glanced at the link.. their numbers look pretty low to me. Which I guess is good for you.. if your'e looking at those numbers, they're probably actually a bit better than that.
My Blog
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10