The SLP just called me! We have to schedule a time to set up our service plan, and there's a program he qualifies for!! Aaaaaand it's going to cost $150 a month. (that's the downside also you, know, that he has a speech delay is a downside. But yay for help on the way!)
Re: Yay! DS qualified for EI services!
Woah, $150/month?!
How many times per month is he going to be getting speech?
Dd gets speech 2X/month and it's nowhere near that much based on the sliding scale. Are you sure that the $150 isn't a maximum out of pocket cap for your family? That could be the upper limit that you're expected to pay, but if you're only getting 2X/month you'd be unlikely to hit that cap.
These are just totally random numbers, but for instance: here it could be $12/visit or a monthly cap of $96. If your child is getting speech twice a month you'll only pay $24, but if your child gets speech, OT, PT, and numerous other services you'll never be expected to pay more than $96 even if all of the individual $12 co-pays add up to more than $96.
I was just thinking the same thing as Cleo... in MA, we have a sliding scale payment system and we pay 250$ every 6 months, and we're at the highest bracket- you may want to double-check. Because if it is in fact 150$/per month, you may be better off seeking private services, where you can pick and choose your therapists vs. waiting to see what EI offers you.
Regardless, congrats on qualifying...It's a wonderful thing. DD's been in EI (and other services) for about 18 months now, and early intervention has quite literally changed her life.