
I need some stocking stuffer ideas!

please. What are you ladies putting in DC's?

I also need 8 little Hanukkah gifts! lol


Re: I need some stocking stuffer ideas!

  • I bought dd a bunch of disney princess stuff from the target $1 section... socks, headbands, lip gloss, notepad, socks...  and then art supplies. 
  • For ds:

    Some candy

    A new toothbrush 

    A little Star Wars action figure

    Couple pairs of new socks (ds has a weird sock fetish)

    Some new markers


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  • I've only bought a spin brush and mini-light brite (got it at Kohls for $7) for him so far, but I plan on getting a few more things.

    (ideas) play dough, pez dispenser, hot wheels (girls: little people doll sets?), mini-nerf gun, books, socks (LOL)...

  • So far I got some little craft stuff in the $1 section at Micheal's, a slinky, some slippers. Also plan to get chapstick, a new toothbrush (one of the spinny ones), hair stuff, socks, and other little stuff I find.
  • I raided the target dollar spot (princess necklaces, bracelets, rings, slinky, stickers and such.)
  • great ideas! thank you girls!
  • I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything. :)

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • imageneesernicole:

    I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything. :)

    Jake got one last year, he LOVED it. The batteries eventually died (because he left it on all the time) and it got put in the bottom of the toy bin :)
  • imageneesernicole:

    I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything. :)

    It will be! L has two. She just walks around with them, shining them on things.

  • an orange, stickers,
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