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please. What are you ladies putting in DC's?
I also need 8 little Hanukkah gifts! lol
For ds:
Some candy
A new toothbrush
A little Star Wars action figure
Couple pairs of new socks (ds has a weird sock fetish)
Some new markers
I've only bought a spin brush and mini-light brite (got it at Kohls for $7) for him so far, but I plan on getting a few more things.
(ideas) play dough, pez dispenser, hot wheels (girls: little people doll sets?), mini-nerf gun, books, socks (LOL)...
I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything.
neesernicole: I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything.
It will be! L has two. She just walks around with them, shining them on things.
Re: I need some stocking stuffer ideas!
For ds:
Some candy
A new toothbrush
A little Star Wars action figure
Couple pairs of new socks (ds has a weird sock fetish)
Some new markers
I've only bought a spin brush and mini-light brite (got it at Kohls for $7) for him so far, but I plan on getting a few more things.
(ideas) play dough, pez dispenser, hot wheels (girls: little people doll sets?), mini-nerf gun, books, socks (LOL)...
I'm getting M her very own flashlight. This will probably be her favorite gift out of everything.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
It will be! L has two. She just walks around with them, shining them on things.