with a little youtube searching i found a couple of really sweet and sentimental videos that were made of pictures from NICU stays and music in the form of a storyline. it was really sweet and i thought it might be nice to do for the grandparents as a little momento for christmas. have you made one? how did you do it and what were peoples reactions???
Re: Have you/are you planning on making a NICU/Preemie video?
I made mine on onetruemedia.com when Brandon turned one. I put it on my blog.
If you want to see it the link is
My sister made us one as a homecoming gift... we all watched it that first night, and I still can't get through it without crying.
Even now, just *thinking* about it, I start to tear up.
You can see it on my blog.
ETA: I just saw that YouTube removed the soundtrack for copyright issues; it's set to "Home" by Michael Buble. (I do much better watching it without the music! LOL)Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
Here is the direct link to mine in my blog Scroll down to "One Month". I used Windows Movie Maker.......everyone who saw it had such positive thoughts about it...
*Edit: I just went back and watched it for the first time in a couple months..yup...tears! And Carter woke a bit while I was watching it - so I scooped him right up to cuddle
Not a NICU video but we did a Brendan's first year video :
Ours was also a birthday video, but included the NICU time with lots of labels.
My Blog
We made one, too. It means a lot to us.