
Just a little petty vent

Just got an e-mail from our licensing agency that we have a mandatory meeting next Tues to go over rules and regulations.   Thanks for the advance notice!  They have it scheduled for 30 minutes after I get off of work and to get to the place they are having it, it is at least 45 minutes to get there.  It will probably take longer during rush hour.  There is no way I can leave my job early as all there is no one to cover for me.  

I guess I'm just frustrated as I'm a huge believe in giving people lots of notice about MANDATORY trainings.  Especially if someone may need to leave work or change their normal schedule.

 Ok, vent done



Re: Just a little petty vent

  • I'm with you!  People are busy and have commitments...short notice makes it even harder to shuffle schedules.

    Good luck.  I hope you can get it to all work out!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I totaly agree and with it being the end of the year and the holidays it just makes it even harder to get out of work early! I know it is manditory did you call them and tell you will be late that you can not make arrengments with work with such short notice.
    Proud Momma of our daughter Charlie! She found her forever home August 2010 Hope to be the proud momma of #2 in July
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  • I did respond to the e-mail about the training telling them about the work situation and that we'd be late. 
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