
s/o confession: I do not get conserving water

Disclaimer first: I live in an area that has bountiful fresh water.  It is lake country here.

But even here, people talk about conserving water.  I don't get it.  We draw water from the lake, use it, it goes through our septic system and eventually, ends up back in the lake.

What does it matter if I have a 10 minute shower instead of a 5 minute shower?  What does it matter if I bathe my kids 7 days a week instead of 3?

I understand in areas that have water supply problems, but that is not the case here.  Yet people still talk about conserving water.

Help me understand.

promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am

Re: s/o confession: I do not get conserving water

  • I tend to feel the same way and I was raised in an area with lots of lakes.  I still try to do what I can for the environment as a whole, even if my area isn't affected.  But, I have been known to leave the water running when I brush my teeth.Embarrassed
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • the only reason I've ever tried to cut back on water use was to save money. :)
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