Just wondering what some of the reasons might have been. DH and I just started seeing an RE and I've had some BW and he'll have his SA and BW next week. I'm just wondering what dx's would make the dr. decide to right to IVF. Is age factored in at all?
Re: Did anyone skip IUI and go right to IVF?
We are going straight to IVF due to severe endometriosis. Time is a factor, so the doc wants to get me pregnant as soon as possible, before the endo comes back and mucks everything up again.
I don't think chronological age will matter as much as your "fertility age", meaning FSH levels, ovarian reserve, hormone levels, etc.
Good luck!
This exactly. GL!
I am going straight to IVF starting in January. I am 37 and have high FSH - basically have diminishing ovarian reserve. I will be 38 in less than 2 months. My DH has sperm issues as well, so we will be doing IVF with ICSI. Basically, I need help getting quality eggs and he needs help with his swimmers.
And time is not on my side, so we will be aggressive.
Good luck.
I am going straight to IVF, starting this weekend with injectibles. I have a few reasons... I am 40, never been pregnant. DH has never gotten anyone pregnant. Our insurance covers a limited amount of $ for fertility treatments. My RE agrees with me about taking the most aggressive approach. I am going to be 41 in April, and once you hit 40, your chances decrease exponentially every year afterwards.
RE wants us to skip IUIs and go right to IVF because of my age and high FSH and no other IF issues. However, I am OOP for IVF but do have coverage for IUIs. So I asked if we could try IUIs and that's what we are going to do.
If we had the coverage, we would have completely skipped IUIs and gone for IVF.