TTC after 35

Can you skip a beta if you get a negative at home?

I am supposed to go in for a beta a week from today.  But I tested out the trigger at home - and I can test w/a very sensitive test at home on Monday.  I just don't see that there is any advantage to paying $40 for the doctor's office to call me and tell me what I already know.  Has anyone done this?


Re: Can you skip a beta if you get a negative at home?

  • I didn't skip the beta although I had negatives all the way through.  The beta was pretty late too, at 13dpo2dt.

    I read that there are some women who don't metabolize HCG in their urine, although very, very few.  I did want to be absolutely sure.  I also wanted to get an actual number to see if there there had been some implantation.  I figured that would be useful information.

    But, my insurance covers the test completely and the office is less than a mile from my home, so it's pretty easy for me to make that decision.

  • I was planning on skipping my beta this past weekend after that wonky mystery AF, but I did end up going.  My bw is covered by insurance though. 
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  • Unfortunatly, the $40 is w/insurance coverage - which is at 50% - so I guess they normally charge $80 to check your beta - which seems really high.

    I think I am going to skip it - I can always reschedule if I need to.  I think it would just make me upset to know that it started to implant and then failed.

  • I just want you to know that I did not get a BFP on a HPT until after my positive beta at 14 dp3dt! I was shocked because I even did the digital. I do have insurance coverage and it only cost me a few dollars in a co pay. I will still hold out hope for you!
  • I have heard a few stories like Tom's where girls have gotten positive betas and still have negative HPTs. That's why I'm keeping a little hope that my beta could still be positive tomorrow. Good luck to you.
    TTC since 3/08 DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI, 5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C) Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had 4 negative HPTs before my beta.  I was pregnant with twins and first beta was 196.  You just never know.
    Image  by TinyPic Me 43, DH 49 Married November 3, 2007 TTC #1 since November 2007 First RE appointment May 13, HSG 5/17- tubes are clear, SA - very good, FSH 6.8, rubella immunity, saline sonogram 7/2 - uterine polyps, hysteroscopy date FINALLY 9/4! Blood pressure and thyroid are under control! Come on BFP!!!! My Blog IUI#1 1/14 , AF=BFN 1/28, IUI #2 3/9, AF=BFN 3/20 Cycle 20 IVF #1 = BFP!!! Beta #1- 196 Beta #2- 784 Egg retrieval 5/1 - 11 eggs! Update 5/2 - 9 mature, 7 fertilized! Embryo transfer 5/6 - transferred 2 beautiful blasts and have one snowbaby Induction scheduled for 01/11/10 - 38 weeks, 1 day April 3, 2012 FET with snowbaby (identical twins) BFN and a big broken heart Moving on to DE Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker8/2012-Donor chosen! 9/2012-12/2012-Donor passed all testing, off BC pills, waiting to complete 2 full cycles. 12/16/2012-cannot move forward with donor, cycles not regulating. 12/17-New proven donor 1/11- started Lupron on our baby boy's 3rd birthday 
    Egg retrieval 2/27 - 27 eggs, 24 mature, 19 fertilized
    Embryo transfer 3/4 - 2 beautiful, hatching blasts and nothing left to freeze.  Beta #1 461 9dp5dt. Beta #2 1230 11dp5dt.
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