I really want to tandem nurse and I'm looking for advice. I'm still really early in pregnancy, but I'm worried about being able to go until birth.
I'm also getting a lot of snark from family and friends for it. They don't care about "it's healthy for babies" or even "it's what Noah and I want". Everyone keeps telling me I will regret it, I won't be able to, gives me dirty looks, etc.
Re: Does anyone tandum nurse? Older and younger LO?
I'm going to try to keep nursing through pg. I want to make it to 12m dor DD and beyond if I can keep up with her. (I heard your milk turns to collostrum ~4-5m and some babies self-wean after that).
I got this book on Tandum nursing, mainly wanting to read about nursing during pg, but the focos is really about nursing a toddler and newborn. It is by LLL.
i was able to keep nursing my toddler through pregnancy, however we got down to 1 session a day (before bed) and still had to supplement with cow's milk for that feeding (about 8 oz cow's milk and whatever she could get from nursing). my friend was able to do it as well, nursing her 22 month old several times per day. i think if you keep offering, they'll keep nursing, they're just not getting much. but after the baby comes and the new milk comes in, you'll be fine. it's a LOT though, to be nursing 2. i'm only doing the 1 feeding with my toddler but planning on weaning her within the next month or so.
call your local LLL--I bet someone there has done it. I agree with pp about the book she posted. It highly recommended--even if you arent tandem nursing and just nursing while pg. I plan on weaning in the next few months, so im not help. Im sure its a lot on your body, and who knows if LO will want to continue. You may also feel weird when you are nursing a tiny baby and then nurse a big toddler....who knows. Everyone is different, and you need to do whats right for you. I wouldnt talk to family or friends about it...people are weirded out when I say im still nursing, so I keep it to myself. F them
also the book the womanly art of Bfing has a section on it.
Also, I know your DS was early...there might be a risk to nurse after a certain point of premature labor. just a thought. I know my LLL leader said that most people are fine to tandem nurse, but there are certain circumstances that it may be not a good idea.only you and your doc would know that.