2nd Trimester

Only 9 DPO but very dizzy... advice/help?

I also posted this on first Tri...

Ok, so I have never been light-headed in my entire life.  Yesterday, I had to lower myself to the ground at the top of my stairs because I was so dizzy and could hardly see.  Today, I was dizzy 5 times throughout the day (not as extreme, but enough to have to hold on to someone) and it was mostly when I was sitting down on the floor (sitting on my knees with my legs under me).  Have any of you experienced this and at what time in your cycle?  If so, is there anything to do to make it go away?  I am so hoping that I end up getting a BFP later this week so I can blame it on that and not something more serious.  Any advice would be helpful! 

Re: Only 9 DPO but very dizzy... advice/help?

  • Are you for real with this???

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  • I have been dizzy this week, that is it.
  • Well it probably has something to do with your blood sugar or blood pressure. You might be Anemic but I think with Anemia you just have a lot of low energy spells.

    And no I did not experience this during my cycle or after a BFP. I don't think it's necessarily a pregnancy symptom.

  • Ok, so I was just looking for a little advice.  Why wouldn't I be serious?  This is an honest question.  I am not looking for you to tell me if I am pg, I am just asking to see if anyone experienced this and if they did anything to make it go away.  Apparently it is a common pregnancy symptom that I did not know about so I thought I would ask.
  • if you get a bfp I'm glad I'll be long gone before you get over here.
  • Well. Maybe you should cut back on the booze.

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  • Eat a candy bar.
  • Why not just ask this on GP? And no, I was never dizzy like what you're describing. I have had dizzy spells since my BFP, but more around 9 weeks-ish. 9dpo is WAAAAAAY to early for symptoms. Go fish.
  • OMG, You know what? I totally WAS dizzy right before BFP!


    ....I didn't get BFP until I was 9 weeks pregnant...but that's totally beside the point, right?!


    Eat smaller meals several times a day and see your doc. You're probably hypoglycemic or something. But yeah... No.

  • donuts may help
  • Heather R I don't think that is inappropriate.....I think the head desk clip from Breakfast Club is much more fitting! Wink
  • imageItaliannvegas:
    Heather R I don't think that is appropriate.....I think the head desk clip from Breakfast Club is much more fitting! Wink

    ask and ye shall receive. 



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  • i get dizzy... But I also have fluid in my ears... damn colds... so maybe just maybe YOU have fluid in your ears!!
  • imageLeah&Jack:
    I think this chick's name should be hand-in-cervix. You know she's checking it out.


  • imageLeah&Jack:
    I think this chick's name should be hand-in-cervix. You know she's checking it out.

    Checking your cervix while TTC is not uncommon, and it is helpful when charting. It's when people are shoving their hands in their vaginas during pregnancy that is an issue.

    To the OP: I was extremely dizzy, but I had no clue that it was because I was pregnant. If you're concerned then contact your doctor. You have a little over a week until testing so it would make sense to get checked out before then just in case.

  • www.webmd.com

     I accept payment for my services in tacos and chicken nuggets. 

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  • People on these boards are so freaking rude, which is why I am almost never on here anymore.  It is very disheartening.  This is supposed to be a community board to ease your mind, not get made fun of. 

    As far as being dizzy before a BFP, I definitely have experienced that with at least 2 of my pregnancies (I've been pregnant five times - I remember feeling it with these last two).  I never get it when I'm NOT pregnant,so it probably is just an early pg symptom.  If you're worried about it, call your doctor...and 10 dpo is probably early enough to get a faint BFP with a good brand, so you could just test and try to put your mind at ease!  GL.

  • thats how I found out i was pregnant. i was walking through a store and got real light headed. i grabbed a test & BFP! At 8dpo
  • i know this is an old thread.....but wow a lot of you are really ignorant. how about you try to be adults. these boards were made for women to be supportive of each other and help one another......not for bullying.
  • @snulf, are you freaking kidding me?!
  • Eat more protein. Ask your doctor about anemia or perhaps diabetes. Really, instead of fishing the boards you should probably set up an appointment with your GP.

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  • snulf said:

    i know this is an old thread.....but wow a lot of you are really ignorant. how about you try to be adults. these boards were made for women to be supportive of each other and help one another......not for bullying.


    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • @snulf wtf is wrong with you?

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • www.webmd.com

     I accept payment for my services in tacos and chicken nuggets. 

    omg I want tacos!

    1st pregnancy: m/c began 1/12/09 d&c 1/13/09 8wks. Baby stopped growing at about 6wks.

    Delaney: Born 10/15/09

    Gavin: Born 4/8/11

    Baby #3: due July 10, 2014


  • Ladies don't feed the trolls @snulf >:)
    photo 0c2dff5c-8353-4f48-a664-12cdf783ef5a_zpsd50eeb2f.jpg photo 2568d9e8-2e0a-42f1-9e46-3b839622bae6_zpsa9ad0626.jpg photo 7cad0d91-68fd-48bf-b58a-48256209fbe1_zps4881d0c7.jpg
  • You would think if someone wanted to bitch about how mean the posters are on here they wouldn't need to go back 4 years to find an example...
  • Tassie06Tassie06 member
    edited January 2014
    Yes, it is a common side effect during pregnancy. When you're actually pregnant. Edited:::oh what?!? this thread is years old. Who dug this up??!!!?
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