not sure what to do, my county is holding a clinic next week and I am not even sure if they will do boosters or if I can get an appointment but they are now only doing it for ages 6mo to 35 months...and DS will be 36mos next Saturday since means after this clinic he will no longer qualify. But, their birthday is next Saturday (both kids) as well as their party and DD and DS happened to get sick after their last H1N1 shot although it is likely unrelated (they were both shots, not live.) WWYD if I can get an appointment.
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: has your child received the H1N1 booster?
did you get the first shot at the county clinic? If so they should give him the booster no matter what his age is?
Michelle got her 1st at the county clinic and has an appt. for her booster the 18th.
If I could find somewhere to get it for DS, he would have it in an instant! I'm a nurse in a hospital and DH works in retail, so we are both exposed to a LOT of people everyday at work.
If I were you, I'd get it for both of your kids.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
They got their first dose on 10/20 through the pedi's office. They just opened up appointments for boosters (this weekend, in fact) and they each have an appointment tomorrow evening.
The "funny" thing is that I cannot "find" a seasonal booster for DD2 for the life of me! I'm hoping the pedi's office has it at her 15-month appointment in a few weeks.