

DH's cousin's son (did you follow that??) who was FULL TERM and was born only three weeks after DD, was admitted to the hospital yesterday with RSV :-(

All of a sudden I'm not looking quite so crazy with my strict visitation rules...

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Re: Yikes...RSV...

  • image*KatieH*:
    I hope he's ok 

    They expect he will be but think he'll spend the next few days in the hospital.

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  • ugh that was always my fear having to go back to the hospital.   I won't even go to the same wing of the NICU now.   

    Please keep us posted on him.   And keep your little one away from him lol.  Wink   

  • poor litlte guy, I hope he's okay soon.

    however, I'll bet it feels good (at least a little bit) that NOW everyone understands what the big fuss is/was about when it comes to RSV.

  • I hope he is ok. 

  • So sorry that this had to happen to make you seem not so crazy...I was lucky, with my hubby (who really thought I was crazy about germs) all it took was him not getting sick from washing tons and taking he even has sanitizer in his truck! 

    My FTer got RSV when he was in his 1st winter and had to have a nebulizer, so I know this is NOTHING to play around with.  Hope he is feeling better fast!

  • I hope he's OK!  I know a few term babies who have been in the hospital for's scary...
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