
10 hr road trip with 4 1/2 month olds. Tips/packing lists?

Anyone have or know of a good list of things to take? I've googled a little but a lot of sites come up. 

Also, is there any way to keep toys close within their reach? I imagine this is the case w/ all car seats but our handles have to be in the down position so I can't hang them from there for them. Since they don't/won't have the best grabbing skills, I'm looking for ideas where the toys will not really fall off their laps at all if possible. I may end up sitting the back between them but not sure yet.

 And of course any survival tips would be great. our plan is to feed them about 1 or 2 am and hit the road so hopefully they'll sleep for awhile (they don't currently STTN so we're assumign they won't be then either) 


Re: 10 hr road trip with 4 1/2 month olds. Tips/packing lists?

  • Mine always slept a lot longer in a car than they would anywhere else.  Honestly they may sleep the entire time.

    Bring your bottles/warmer, etc. as necessary.  I don't think I even took car toys with us when we went on a trip at 6/7 months...they just didn't really play with them, especially if you are driving at night in the dark when you won't want to stimilate them.

    Packing for when you are there:
    - PNP(s) for them to sleep in & PNP sheets
    - PJ's (# depends on how long you are there and if you can wash clothes)
    - Bottles, formula & bottle brush and/or dishwasher basket
    - Boppies
    - Bouncies
    - Activity mat
    - Bath stuff
    - Medical kit (the usual thermo, tylenol, med dropper, etc.)
    - Burp Cloths
    - Clothes, diapers, wipes
    - Bottles for in the car (we did pre-mixed and then warmed with a plug-in warmer).

    If you are going somewhere with well water you should consider buying water for mixing formula.

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