Two Under 2

Pacifier Question

My DS is 18 months old and still uses a pacifier when he sleeps (nap and bedtime).  DD is due in April, and our pediatrician recommended getting rid of DS's passie sooner rather than later.  Any advice on how to make this an easier adventure on all of us???  Thanks!

Re: Pacifier Question

  • I wish I knew!  I'm thinking we'll have to go cold turkey at some point, but I decided for now that I would switch her paci to the "orthodontist recommended" ones, so if we haven't broken the habit by the time baby gets here, we can at least have a visual difference between the pacis.  We'll use Soothies again for the new babe
  • I LOVED that stupid pacifier for my son when he was tiny and really I loved it up until a week ago---that's when I took it away. :) ?I was a mean momma and just put him to bed without cold turkey. ?He sometimes would fall asleep for naps without the bink, so on one of those days I told myself "today is the day!" ?We are currently on day 4 without it and he is doing fine ?He will sit and "talk" at night for a little longer than usual, but he eventually falls asleep. ?

    I wanted the pacifier completely out of his head before baby arrives in March-- hopefully mission:accomplished!?

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  • DS #1 was only 13 months when DS#2 arrived, so he still had his pacifier at that point. We tried to start DS#2 on a different brand, but he only took to the MAM pacifiers like his brother had. Since DS#1 only used his for naps/bedtime we were going to let him keep his for a while, because we thought it would be hard with his brother around having one.

    However, at 18 months we were forced to make him give it up. He literally started biting through them and was able to get pieces off! It was a huge choking hazard, so we had to take it away cold turkey. He did great! He even takes DS#2's binky to him and doesn't try to use it for himself ... I am impresed! I had imagined it to be a much more complicated situation.

  • My DD was 20 months when my twin boys were born.  Like your DS she only used it at nap & bedtime.

    Once I brought those babies home it became a 24 hour thing.  I let it go because her life turned upside down and she was using it for comfort.  Everytime I attempted to take it away or talk about it - she just lost it. I was picking my battles and right then this was not 1 of them.

    My DD is now 2 years 8 months and we have just stopped using it in the last 2 months.  I didn't have a choice - she wouldn't take it out of her mouth to take and I didn't want it to impede her speech.

    It went down and was a lot easier then I thought it would be.

    We had about 5/6 of them floating around our house for her.  I took 1 an put it away for an emergency.  But I kept telling her that if she lost them, I would no longer look for them.  Slowly she lost all of them.  One afternoon on a fluke she went down for a nap without it - so I saw hope.  So I just stopped giving them to her.  She would ask and I would say she lost it and couldn't find it.

    As a side note - I only let my boys have a pacifier for their first 2 months, after that I took them away cold turkey.  I didn't and couldn't go through this pacifier with 2 more babies.  In addition I knew DD would just take there's if I took hers away.  If I could go back when DD was born I would have done the same thing.  2 months and then it is gone!

     Good Luck!

  • my son is 20 months and he still uses one naps, night and occatiionally during the day.  i am totally fine with this and have no plans of giving it up.  The American academy of pediatrics recommends they get rid of it by 5 years old, which is based on all the latest research studies.  I have read the dentistry literature and the speech language literautre and they all have NOTHING conclusive that it leads to bad teeth, or delayed speech.  they all say as long as its gone by 4 or 5 years. 

    I am not sure why it has gotten such a bad rep.   i think its a culture pressure thing.

    they will give it up when they are ready.  i will worry if hes 15 and still wants one! hahaah
  • My daughter started biting holes in the nipple part so I just cut the nipple off and gave her the plastic portion of it. We are on week 5 of it and it is working great, She still goes to be holding the plastic part. We also started giving her a teddy bear that goes everywhere with her so it world take the place of the her paci.
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