I would start out with a general list, I think Babies R us has one on their website and in the store. There are some things you will want 2 of such as cribs, carseats, high chairs etc. But alot of things you can get away with just one, one playmat, jumperoo, swing, etc. I bought one each of the entertainment items and then just rotate the kids through each one so there is always something new. I do recommend 2 Boppies, they come in very handy for BF or bottle feeding. I did buy 2 swings, if you have the room and both kids like them go for it, but you can start off with one. Good luck! I know its overwhelming, but once you get pass that, it becomes fun.
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Got this from someone's blog...may be the one from pp:
2 infant car seats (Graco Snug Rides)
2 convertible car seats (First Years True Fit convertible car seats--These can certainly wait till later if you want to spread out expenses)
1 double stroller that takes infant car seats (Baby Trend Double Snap 'n' Go)
1 double stroller for after they outgrow their infant seats (Baby Jogger City Mini double; many MoMs recommend getting a tandem as well. Again, this can wait till later.)
2 cribs (We have one Storkcraft Heather Stages 4-in-1 crib and one Graco Ashleigh 4-in-1 crib. I would recommend the Graco; cheaper and better quality!)
2 crib mattresses (First Years Sweet Dreams crib/toddler mattress--great deal at Wal-mart)
OPTIONAL: 1 large or 2 small bassinet(s) (Arm's Reach Original Cosleeper--goes up to 40 lbs, making it a great choice for multiples)
4-6 cosleeper/Pack n Play sheets (I found some cheap on Amazon)
Dresser/storage unit (4-drawer chest Saddlebrook, pecan--only $100 at Wal-mart)
1 portable playard/bassinet/changing station (Graco Pack n Play in Margo--great deal at Albee Baby)
1 rocking chair/recliner (Got a glider from a friend; already had a La-Z-Boy. Use both a LOT!)
Backpack-style diaper bag (Sienna backpack diaper bag from Babies R Us. Insulated bottle pocket has room for 2 bottles!)
1 swing; later 2 if both like it (Fisher-Price Rainforest Open-top Cradle Swing-worth its weight in gold! Plugs in! )
2 bouncy seats (Fisher-Price Soothe 'n' Play Bouncer)
1 Bumbo seat with tray; 2 later if they both like it (a great item to buy used)
2 jumperoos, or 1 jumperoo, 1 Exersaucer (1 FP Lights & Music jumperoo, 1 FP Rainforest jumperoo)
1 wrap (Moby Wrap; I kind of wish I had gotten a ring sling instead)
1 Front carrier (Ergo carrier)
2 sunshades for car windows (adhesive film-type recommended)
1 table Lamp
Newborn Clothes (some preemie may be helpful, too; Walmart or Carter's are good sources for preemie clothes)
8-12 Sleep n Plays or similar, preferably with zippers
4-6 shirts until umbilical cord falls off
10 Newborn onesies (Carter's 5-packs are great. Ross has great prices on them. Long-sleeved if winter babies)
8-10 Gowns with elasticized bottoms (0-3 or 0-6m size)
As for other cute outfits, I didn't register for any; we got plenty at our baby shower
2 snowsuits, pramsuits, or bunting if needed. Consider BundleMe Lites for warmer climates
2-4 Fleece outfits / sweater or jacket: for winter
hangers (didn't need these b/c so many gift outfits came w/hangers)
2-4 bonnets or caps: for summer
2 pairs mittens
Hand mitts for outfits that don't come with them (to prevent scratching themselves)
0-3 month, 3-6 month, 6-9 month, 9-12 month:
15-20 onesies in each size (again, I'd recommend Carter's, get a mix of short and long sleeve based on season, plain white and patterned)
8-10 pairs of pajamas in 0-3 months.
4-6 outfits in 0-3 months (you'll probably receive a lot as gifts)
Beyond that I would hold off on getting many clothes in the bigger sizes; after the babies are here, you'll develop a better idea of what you like (i.e. a creeper and shorts/pants versus 1-piece outfits, snaps versus zippers, etc.)
Diapers: 4-12 packs in sizes preemie, Newborn, and 1 (Different diapers work for different babies, but Pampers Swaddlers seem to work for most. They're a good choice for stocking up pre-babies. Also throw in a pack each of Huggies, Luvs, and possibly Target or Walmart-brand diapers.)
Wipes (Target's "Up & Up" wipes are the best!)
Diaper pail (We have the Baby Trend New Diaper Champ; not a big fan.)
1 contoured changing pad
1-2 changing pad covers
Some type of organizer for the diaper area (I got a diaper stacker with front pockets for diaper rash cream, etc., and also have a decorative wooden box for storage on the changing table.)
8-12 receiving blankets (Some MoMs recommend up to 20.)
Twin nursing pillow (EZ-2-Nurse twin nursing pillow; got mine at a consignment sale for $12!)
12-20 Bibs, ideally velcro not tie kind (More if you have two reflux babies like we do!)
1 Breastpump & breastmilk storage bags (I rented the Medela Lactina; hospital-grade pumps are great for MoMs)
2 Boppy pillows (great for bottle-feeding 2 at once when they're little plus useful for tummy time, etc.)
4 Boppy covers
Bottles and nipples as needed (try several kinds; we like the Playtex VentAires)
1 bottle organizer/drying rack (1st Years Spin & Store Dry Rack Organizer)
1-2 bottle brushes (Circo 2-pack from Target)
2 dishwasher baskets for feeding accessories (Munchkin dishwasher baskets from Target)
1 formula-mixing pitcher if you plan to formula-feed (the Dr. Brown's Formula-Mixing pitcher makes up to 36 oz at a time; for twins you'd need to make two batches to have a day's worth of formula if you EFF. The Pampered Chef Family-Size Quik Stir pitcher makes a day's worth for twins. This saves a lot of time!)
1 infant tub (Summer Infant Mother's Touch Deluxe Baby Bather; the EuroBath tubs look great, too.)
8-12 baby washcloths
2-4 hooded towels
Baby wash/shampoo (Aveeno unscented)
20 burp cloths (cloth diapers work great)
Soaps & Lotions (For our super-sensitive-skinned babies, we like Aveeno, Dove, and Eucerin.)
2 Highchairs or booster seats (Fisher-Price Rainforest booster seats)
Tub side seat/storage The First Years Sit 'n' Store Tub Side Seat
2 Bath seats for 4-6 months + (Safety 1st New Tubside Bath Seat; not needed if you get the EuroBath)
2-4 pacifiers (don't get too many, and get different kinds to see what your babies prefer; ours love Soothies)
2-4 pacifier attachers (we use Soothie paci clips. They tend to come off though. Try to get your babies hooked on a different kind of pacifier if you can!)
4 mattress protectors (Ultimate Crib Sheets)
4 Fitted crib sheets (Carter's easy fit blue jersey fitted crib sheets)
4-6 sleep sacks (2 microfleece sleep sack sets from Halo--each includes 1 NB swaddle, 1 small, plus 2 cotton Sleep Sacks; we had winter babies)
2 types of swaddlers (2 Kiddopotamus SwaddleMes, 2 Miracle blankets; get 2 more if they work for your babies so you can swap out if one gets dirty)
2 "Blankies" (Koala Baby Luxe blankets from Babies R Us)
Smoke alarm / carbon monoxide detector for baby's room
2 Sleep positioners
1 Vaporizer (ask pedi whether cool or warm mist)
2 playmat (Tiny Love Gymini 3-D Activity Gym and a discontinued Tiny Love playmat)
Tummy time mat (optional; we have one from Tiny Love)
Curtains/valances, cribskirts, etc., as needed (we got the Tiddliwinks sailboat stuff from Target)
1-2 changing pad cover(s) (Tiddliwinks sailboat contour pad cover)
Wall art
(We got the Ahoy Mate wallpaper border from BRU)
Storage baskets as needed (You've probably already thought of this, but if your babies will be on more than one floor of your house, you'll want a diaper changing area on each floor, even if it's just a basket with a changing pad, diapers and wipes. You'll also want places on each floor to put them, e.g. a Pack n Play on the first floor or a second set of bouncy seats so you don't have to make too many trips up and down stairs.)
Tylenol Infant Drops (dye free!)
Mylicon (non-staining!)
Hyland's teething tablets (obviously you won't need these for a few months)
A few teethers/teething rings
Bandages -- assorted sizes
Triple antibiotic ointment
Bandage pads (for places that bandages don't fit or areas that are too big for bandages)
First-aid tape to hold bandage pads and gauze in place
Cotton swabs -- keep in a small plastic bag to prevent contamination
Nail clippers (We got a Red Cross Health and Grooming kit that contained a lot of this stuff)
Emery boards (great for the sharp edges of the nails)
Alcohol wipes
Nasal aspirator (the hospital will usually send you home with 2)
Medicine dropper and spoon (Tsp and ML)
Temperature tester
gripe water
Saline Spray for breaking up nasal congestion (Little Noses saline drops)
Diaper rash ointment (We have and like Balmex, A&D, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste)
Latex gloves
Sunblock (check with Pedi for safe age to start using it usually after 6 mo.) Aveeno
You'll also want some board and cloth books, rattles, and some hanging toys to swap out so they don't get bored of those on their bouncy seat toybars and playmat. You might also consider a ring-stacking toy, soft cloth blocks, and other toys for the 4 months + range. A take-along arch or two for the car seat/stroller might also come in handy. (We have one from Tiny Love.)
Re: Registry Help/Advice Needed
I once saw this posted and saved it! Sorry, I dont know how to make clicky.
Got this from someone's blog...may be the one from pp:
Newborn Clothes (some preemie may be helpful, too; Walmart or Carter's are good sources for preemie clothes)
0-3 month, 3-6 month, 6-9 month, 9-12 month:
Beyond that I would hold off on getting many clothes in the bigger sizes; after the babies are here, you'll develop a better idea of what you like (i.e. a creeper and shorts/pants versus 1-piece outfits, snaps versus zippers, etc.)
You'll also want some board and cloth books, rattles, and some hanging toys to swap out so they don't get bored of those on their bouncy seat toybars and playmat. You might also consider a ring-stacking toy, soft cloth blocks, and other toys for the 4 months + range.
A take-along arch or two for the car seat/stroller might also come in handy. (We have one from Tiny Love.)