Postpartum Depression

Anyone else not doing therapy?

My doctor dx me over the phone in about 2 minutes yesterday, called in a prescription, and that was it. I have no appointment for follow-up, and she didn't recommend counseling. She just said to let her know if I think I need a bigger dose and we would talk in a few months about weaning me off the meds if I feel up to it.

Does this sound normal? I feel like my ppd is fairly severe and I think I also have PTSD, but I didn't have a chance to describe all my symptoms. It was at the end of the day and I appreciate that she wanted to get me started on meds right away, but I'm surprised she didn't also want to see me. 

DS May 12, 2009 DD September 7, 2011

Re: Anyone else not doing therapy?

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    I'm just on meds, no therapy, but I was in therapy (pre-pregnancy) until I "graduated". Since becoming a mom, I've considered starting back up.

    I'm glad your doctor put you on meds, since they take a bit to kick in. However, it's a little concerning that she didn't suggest therapy or take the time to hear all of your symtoms. However, it may be her way of trying to make you feel that PPD is very common and very treatable with meds.

    Typically, the person who writes the scripts for meds isn't the same person who provides therapy. I would ask your OB for a referral for a psychologist/therapist that specializes in post partum. The combo is probably the best way to start feeling better ASAP.

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    I did meds only.  My dr and a psychologist I talked to said that for a large number of women talk therapy does nothing for PPD because it's an actual hormonal thing.  They also said that PPD is different from other forms of depression because for most people once the hormones are back to normal the depression goes away.

    Granted there is always the exception and I'm not saying this is true for everyone.  I'm only saying what I was told.  


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    I am only on meds right now but my first follow up is in 2 weeks. I am giving the meds time to work and then will seek therapy if I feel that I need it.  If you are unhappy, I would make an appointment to go in and talk to her. You can ask for a referral to a therapist at that time as well. MDs are differently trained than mental health professionals so while your doctor thinks a pill is the answer, you may need more. You have to be your own best advocate here and demand what you think you need. Good luck!
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    Go to therapy and find a different doctor to prescribe you medicine.

    My PCP did this to me. I ended up checking myself into the hospital a week later. I hate when doctors do this.

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    Ummm... I'm just on meds, no therapy, but my Ob also did a very thorough assessment of my situation first, to determine what was the best course of treatment. I think I was in his office for 45 min.

    I would not be comfortable with what you described. Especially if I felt like my PPD was fairly severe, or also might have PTSD.

    I would ask to see her, and/or get a 2nd opinion if necessary.

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