Postpartum Depression

very late in the game...

So i just called my dr today to discuss possible PPD and have an appt next week. DS is 13mos old now and I honestly think I've been tricking myself by saying things like oh it'sjust been a rough week, or I'm stressed that's all., but it's been going on since he was born sooo... I had a very rough delivery and even rougher recovery, plus ds had very bad acid reflux.  I just never feel excited about anything and don't want to do anything, and it's definitely starting to wear on our marriage too. Ugh. I hope this helps. Just wanted to share in case other people are in the same place, and so long after their baby is born.
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Re: very late in the game...

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    LO is not as old as yours, but I know how you feel. I also had a rough delivery and recovery, and I am having trouble bouncing back. I also never want to do anything and feel like showering, cleaning, or even just smiling is too much effort sometimes. I sometimes feel like DH would be better off without me (not that I would hurt myself or anything).

    Thanks for sharing. Hopefully we will both feel better soon. It is a very brave step to call your dr. for help. I haven't done it yet, but I am thinking about it.

    Baby E: July 3, 2009 Baby M: February 22, 2012
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    thank you for the support.

    the last straw for me was the umpteenth "argument" between DH and I about why I never want to do anything and how he doesn't even want to come home from work bc I am so miserable all the time.  I hadn't realized it was so obvious to him...

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    Good for you for calling your doctor. That first step is the hardest part!

    DD 4yo DS 1yo
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    I hope things start to get better once you go to the dr!! I also set-up an appt for next wk...let me know how your appt goes!
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