Florida Babies

What do i do about BC?

My son is 3 month's old and i have received my birth control pills but i am unsure if i should take them because i EBF. The pills are called LOW OGESTEROL tablet 28's. Should i worry about them affecting my son or are they safe?

Re: What do i do about BC?

  • I took the mini-pill until Luke was 1 year old. Then I switched to a low dose regular pill (can't remember the brand right now). My midwife, who is VERY pro-breastfeeding, told me that the regular pill won't harm the baby. She said there is a *small* chance that your supply could go down, but that is very rare. She said if I noticed that happening, then to quit the pills and call her. I am still bfing, but only 1-2 times a day and the pills haven't stopped my milk.
  • ok this makes me feel better...im just so worried since he is my first and i dont want to take anything by accident and hurt him. I will call my doctor just to see if he thinks it will affect my milk because i am not producing in large quantities. thank you!
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