Postpartum Depression

Making an appt. to talk to a counsleor

What can I expect to happen at this appt? I haven't been dx yet but think I have PPD...just wondering others experiences thanks!

ETA: I'm nervous about the appt and afraid that I will be prescribed medicine. I'm afraid I will become addicted, (maybe I'm insane but just worried about that!)

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Re: Making an appt. to talk to a counsleor

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    well I'd definitely start ahead of time and make a list of questions, ask them about your concerns of medication and your concerns of addiction, that way they can ease your fears and come up with a plan that fits for you.

    I'm sure they'll ask you about your "list of feelings" so I'd write it out ahead of time since I tend to forget on the spot a lot of things I'd wanted to say, maybe print out a list of symptoms from the web and check off the ones you experience to help them understand what your going through. Other than that I assume they'd just discuss it all with you and come up with a plan to help including maybe meds and talk therapy or just therapy or other strategies to help you get through it! GL

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    At the first appointment my counselor just had me list out what I'd been feeling/thinking the past few months by going through a list on paper. Then we discussed those, how severe they were, etc.

    I'm not on meds at all...I said I wanted to try without first (my own choice, by no means saying that's the right choice for everyone) and so she said ok and that we'd re-evaluate over time.

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    My doctor had a form for me to fill out....from that form they could "grade" how severe my depression was and where to go from there. GL
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