I had a routine OB appointment this morning and my bp was higher than it's been (130/82) and I had a trace of protein. My OB (who I completely trust) is not worried at all but is letting me come back next week for another urinalysis just to make sure the protein isn't going up because I was really upset.
All I can think of is how I had no protein until a trace 1 week before Campbell's birth. Ugghhh...it sure is a long time until 34 weeks which is our goal...
Re: Only you girls understand my anxiety: protein and rising bp at 15 weeks :(
Yeah, I'd be upset, too.. ::praying::
My Blog
Ugggg..never had pre-e or hellp, just pPROM, but I wanted you to know, I looked at my OB card where they recorded all this for my FT pregnancy, and I had a trace of protien at 3-4 times during my pregnancy. First time they recorded it was at 30 weeks I think....So I am hoping, this is a fluke and not meaning anything for you too, please, please!
I have an ache in my stomach after reading your post.
As always, adorable pic of Campbell
I was hoping you would post something about how you were doing soon. I sent you a friend request on FB, but haven't heard from you.
I know you are worried, but try not to be. When this turns out to be nothing, you will have wasted a week being a nervous wreck and you won't be able to get that week back. Distract yourself a bit with Campbell. Your OB isn't worried, and you should follow his/her lead. Think positively...it's very important. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you. If you don't want to friend me on FB, it's ok, but know that I am hoping for the best for you and sending positive vibes your way.
Hey! Re-friend me on FB! A few weeks ago I got friended by several names all at one time I didn't know and didn't have any FB friends in common so I was worried that there was some hacker going around or something. Your name might have gotten lost in the middle of all that.
Did you ask them to re-take your BP at the end of the visit? Mine is always high at the beginning--I'm in a rush getting to the office plus I get anxious about it. At my 12 week appt, I had trace protein and BP 135/89. It was 140/102 on the first measurement. I have been having some issues, though, the practice uses an automated cuff which I believe to be inaccurate. At my 16 week appt, BP was 131/90 on the auto cuff. I asked them to remeasure it manually--120/80. Anyhow, I understand how this can be so upsetting and scary. I hope this was just a bad day.
**lurking b/c I have a friend who just gave birth to a preemie**
Just wanted to say that some protein in urine can be totally normal in pregnancy. I have had everything from a trace to a +2 this pregnancy and so far so good. I've also had several visits with high-ish (130s/80s) BP and then it's come down again, so you can definitely have readings like this come and go without it developing into something serious.
I'm thinking good thoughts for you & LO.
Whenever my bp was a little higher, they would retake it at the end of my appt. Maybe you can ask to have this done, to give you peace of mind.
I'm sure everything will be fine and be sure to let us know how things go at your next appt!!!