I am in the process of talking to my boss about working part time after the babies are born.
They will let me work mostly from home, although maybe 1 day a week to come into the office.
I just dont know what is realistic- Will I be able to get work done at home, after the twins are one month old or will I be a zombie and not be able to even think straight? Is it easier to work from home when they are more of a sleeping schedule after 3 months?
Just to add- I work for a non-profit organization. It is not terribly stressful, although I do quite a bit of bookkeeping and planning events every few months.
Thanks for any advice...
Re: what is realistic...
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
your body will be going through a LOT for the first 6 weeks - not just from no sleep, but hormone changes, healing from c/s or vag birth, etc --- i would NOT even consider working until after 6-8 weeks at least.
and then there is the issue of working from home with the babies there --- I can't imagine, at any age, getting anything done unless someone was there to help with the kids while i worked.
I work from home and its probably easiest in the very beginning because they sleep a lot. I'd say after 3 months its harder because they sleep less (my babies are great nappers but its still hard to get solid work done).
I either work in the evenings when my DH is home, or on the weekends. Or, my mom or dad watches them so I can work.
I like working from home because that way I can nurse them (instead of trying to pump a ton of milk)...but you have to understand that you cannot work AND watch babies at the same time. Maybe an hour or 2 here or there while they sleep, but nothing that I would ever rely on.
Definitely not one month. Maybe not three.
I couldn't imagine working at home with two babies...no matter what the age. I wouldn't get any work done at all.