Babies: 9 - 12 Months

When to start 2nd foods?

We started the boys on rice cereal at 4 months and then fruits and veggies at 5 months.  So they've been on solids for over 2 months now and have done great (no reactions to anything and they basically like all of the 1st foods).  When is is appropriate to start them on the Gerber 2nd foods?  DH thinks they're ready, but I don't want to give them anything their little systems aren't ready for. 


Re: When to start 2nd foods?

  • I'll be watching this thread...the pediatrician just kinda green lighted solids for us and didn't give me a lot of information on HOW to do it.
  • imagejudochop:
    I'll be watching this thread...the pediatrician just kinda green lighted solids for us and didn't give me a lot of information on HOW to do it.

    That's unfortunate.  Our pedi gave us a bunch of info on how to introduce things and how often to watch for allergic reactions and such.  You may want to call him/her and ask if they have any literature for you to read and follow.  It helped us out a lot because neither of us have had experience with young babies like this and how/when to give them solids.

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