Miles is "just perfect"
Miles: Mama I'm am just perfect. Mama look how perfect. Sissy isn't perfect she pees her pants. I am perfect. I have pretty hair and eyes. I am perfect. Mama, Mrs. Janen tells me I hadsom (handsome).
to which Emilia replies: NO YOU POO IN YO PANTS. YUCKS.. YUCKS. Stinky. Mama bubbas stinky.
There is a little girl in Miles's class (she is new) that tells him he is "perfect" and waits on him hand and foot. He is soooo ready to go to MDO this morning.
It is days like this that I fear for their sibling future. My sister used to tell me I had fat ears. Only because she didn't want me to have earrings.
Re: So apparently.....
I love your kids!
Ha! Your kids crack me up.
M everyone once in a while gets in her "I'm so beautiful" phase where she goes around to all of the mirrors and stares at herself saying how beautiful she is and how's she's the prettiest princess in the land.?