Postpartum Depression

Increasing medications

How do you know when it is time to increase your doses? I'm seriously struggling today. I just feel all my normal symptoms slowly coming back on. Right now I take 40 mg of Prozac and it doesn't really feel like enough. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist on the 16th and they can't get me in any sooner. I just want to feel happy again.

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Re: Increasing medications

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    Hi Sam!  I am on Lexapro and have increased twice.  I am on a low dose and I did not feel any better after a few weeks so we added a little more ... then a little more.  The dose is still rather low and we are thinking of increasing again or switching medications all together.  I'm sorry that they can't get you in any sooner.  Did you try to tell them that you think this is something you need to talk to someone about urgently?  Maybe they can fit you in as an emergency?  Good Luck Keep me posted.
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    I would call your doctor. Often they can increase your meds over the phone if you need it.  I've been told by my doctor not to wait until an appointment if I'm feeling bad.

    I know today is a hard day, but if yesterday was & tomorrow is just as bad, it's probably time to increase your dosage.

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    I would call your psychiatrist and tell him how you are feeling if it continues a couple more days.  He/she may want to see your sooner.  Also, if you feel the Prozac isn't working, maybe they could try another drug.  There are a ton of options.  Are you going to therapy as well?  If you try that in conjunction with the drugs, it may help.  Good luck.

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