
stbx is at it again!

Yesterday, I get a call at work.  Here goes.


Him "Did IG's school call you and tell you she was sick, running fever, and to come get her?"

Me "No.  I did get a call at my desk but the caller said it was the wrong number.  What's wrong with her?  How high is her fever?"

Him "I took her temp but its normal"

Me "Where did you take it?  Her mouth or under her arm?"

Him "Mouth"

Me "Okay.  Bring her to me at work and I'll see if she feels feverish then I'll call the doc if I need to"

Him "okay"


He gets here, she feels fine.  She doesn't feel feverish and I asked her if she felt sick and she said "No momma, I feel great!"


I asked him for the number the school used to call his cell.  The number wasn't on his call log.  He claimed his Blackberry is deleting calls and emails.  

 I called the school.  DD never showed up yesterday.  

I asked him what happened and he said "She had an accident" which she said she did when I asked her (and she rarely fibs).  He took her back home and changed her clothes but never brought her back.  

I'm pretty pissed.  Since there are no truancy laws for preschool, my attorney said not much can be done since preschool "isn't required".  Ugh!

Re: stbx is at it again!

  • documentation, documentation, documentation!

    Keep track of crap like this because if it becomes habitual or there's a pattern of crap like this you can use it against him.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • When I tell him to keep her out of school because she's sick, I always take her to the dr and get an excuse that's turned into the school.

    Any other time she isn't there, the school has proof.

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