
Well, lost my hair dye virginity. It's not pretty. PIP

I think it's pretty orange-y, and I can see places where the color is uneven (my fault, no doubt) but don't want to add more dye for fear of increasing the Carrot Top-esque quality I now have going on.  I think it looks worse than this in person (ETA pic, so ami can laugh at my misfortune)...I think E's face says it all:


The good news is, it's semi-permanent dye, so theoretically I could wash my hair 20 times today (what with all my copious spare time--I'm sure the girls would just play independently without harming one another...ha!) and it would begin to return to my boring blondish color, right?


Re: Well, lost my hair dye virginity. It's not pretty. PIP

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