My 2.5 year old daughter has been sleeping in her big girl bed for a good 6-8 months now. She will lay in there at night and talk/sing to herself for a good hour before falling asleep. No big deal. Every night for the past week, she gets out of bed, turns on the light, gets random things out of her drawers, etc. My husband and I take turns going in there, putting her back in bed and usually taking her Teddy Ruxpin and other stuffed animals out of her bed/room and tell her she can't have them back until she stays in bed.
My question is: Should we keep doing what we are doing? Or should we just let her play/do whatever in her room until she falls asleep? She can't open her door, so she isn't coming out to find us. She is just happily making a huge mess every night/nap time.
And if this is just a phase, how long does it last?
Re: Does your kid get out of bed?
My 3-year-old does that all.the.time. We put her to bed at 7:30/8pm and she has a party in her room every night. We do the SuperNanny "back to bed" technique. For a while we had child locks on her dresser drawers so she couldn't dig through them.
We also took a lot of things out of her room so she won't have the distractions in there. She gets a few books, her loveys and that is it. It's gotten a lot better.
So far no, when I put her in her big girl bed for the first time I told her she could not get out of bed she needed to call for us to come get her & repeated that for a few weeks everynight & so far so good. She has been in her big bed for about 7 months.