I teach second grade. I decided to recommend a student, for math enrichment (G&T). I sent his mother a letter, and she came in this morning.
She was in tears, she was so proud and excited. She told me how her son was in special ed kindergarten, with multiple therapies. He didn't speak a WORD, not a single word until he was FOUR. Can you imagine? He was labeled as communication impaired, autistic, apraxic, etc. Now he is in 2nd grade, doing awesome. In fact, preparing to enter gifted and talented classes!
How wonderful! Moral of the story, kids change/grow! Don't think your child is destined for failure if they are a late bloomer
Re: Want to hear about my awesome student?
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
That is amazing!
This makes the crappy teaching days disappear. WTG Kid!!
You just described my nephew. He was in EI since 18 months and diagnosed with a neuro motor problem and apraxia, ADD and several other "labels". He entered K barely speaking and what he did say was quite garbled. He had emotional problems from all the kids teasing him. His kindergarten teacher said he needed medication for the ADD because he couldn't concentrate. He was a mess on the medication, so my sister took him off of it. Then the 1st grade teacher said he needed medication, so they tried a different kind. That year was practically a write-off. The second grade teacher took an interest in my nephew. The teacher was a man (and also a "cool guy") and my nephew took a liking to him, as well. This teacher said he thought he could "work with" my nephew and use some different techniques to help him. Long story short, that year was a tremendous success. And you know what they say, success begets success. My nephew is now in 3rd grade and he is a leader in his class, his grades are fantastic and the other kids love him because they think he is so funny and outgoing.
A great teacher makes all the difference, so hats off to you! Once my nephew got a taste of success, he really started to soar. What you have done for this student will stay with him for the rest of his life!
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Ditto this. Absolutely.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church