DD has always had constipation problems and only goes every 3-4 days. Always pebbles, always with problems. We were giving Miralax regularly for awhile and then it seemed to get better. She last went on Saturday. Today is Tuesday and she woke up from her nap having pooped hard pellets...she was in pain. We sat her on the potty and she couldn't go....so I got her off figuring I would put a pull up on her.
When I went to clean her off and look, she is obviously very swollen behind her little bum. Like a huge hemrroid...not purple but just very swollen. It hurts her to walk and sit, and she wants nothing to do with eating. I gave her a huge sippy of prune juice filled with Miralax and I have a call in to our pedi who is a friend of mine.
What can I do to relieve this? How fast will that swelling go down? I feel awful about this. She is standing and not moving...and when she does walk, she tries to walk with straight legs to not move much. This is hellish.
Advice? Been there? HELP!
Re: Desperate...child hemrroids? What do I do?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Thanks....it has been a long couple of hours and finally, she went. It was big and painful and the swelling that I thought was a hemrroid (how the hell do you spell that anyway?) was actually her constipation....long graphic story but she is fine now and no lasting damage.
Back to the balancing act of prune juice and Miralax....ugh.