My 2.5 year old has been throwing up since this morning. For the last 3-4 hours it has mostly been dry heaves. He is also running a temp around 101-102. He is pretty lethargic and has slept a lot today so I take that and the fever to mean that his body is trying to fight off whatever it is. I was going to ride it out through the night and try to keep him hydrated and monitor his temp and reassess in the morning.
My mom and sis think I am underreacting - they are both convinced that he has H1N1 and that I should call the doc now. Did I mention they are worst-case scenario type people? So at what point would you call the doc?
Re: At what point would you call the Dr?
It sounds like he has a stomach virus. I wouldn't take him to the doctor until it has been going on for more than 24 hours, he's not responsive, you think he's getting dehydrated, or his fever is uncontrollable.
It never hurts to call if you're worried though!