Well, I was checked today and I am 4cm and 80% effaced. This equals me not having a choice in the matter - I'm staying in the hospital.
Thank you so much to those who responded yesterday. It really help calm my nerves about staying here as your comments really put things into perspective. They are hoping I make it to 35 weeks, but they aren't placing any bets. It really is a "one day at a time" scenario.
And no offense, but I hope I won't be joining you (though it is a good possibility).
Thanks again and best of luck to your little ones!
Re: F/U to my hypothetical WWYD
Good luck!!
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
No offense taken! LOL
For me it was a relief when the decision was made for me, even though it meant by condition worsened. The fact that it was up to me was way too much pressure!
Good luck and stay flat!
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
To add to what pp said, sorry you are progressing, but you are in the best place...and I remember when I was on hospital bedrest one of the nurses told me they actually had patients they inverted to take all pressure off the funneling cervix...not sure how they did that, but hopefully you don't have to go there...
Here's to 35 weeks...:)
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