I am supposed to call and schedule my c-section. They are scheduling me at 38 weeks due to prior c-section and baby b is breech. Well, the Dr that I really want to do my section is not on the schedule until Jan 19th. That is 2 days shy of 39 weeks for me. Honestly, will I even make it that far? If not, I might as well just schedule with anyone because I will have to take who ever is on call anyway. I just don't read about very many people going 39+ weeks.
I have been moving along fine until the last few days. My back is killing me, not really sleeping, heartburn like crazy and I just don't have the energy like I did a week or two ago. I hope to hold on until at least 36/37 weeks. I would love for these girls to have no NICU time and come home when I do. It would be so confusing to my dd (who is 3) if I came home without babies. She can not come visit due to hospital restrictions.
Re: How likely is it REALLY?
the avg twin pg goes to 35-36w... so your chances of going earlier are greater, but you certainly could go to 38w.
Most OBs will not allow you to go past 38w - there are many risks going later than that... the longest a doc will let you go is 39w, and many believe that is too risky. My OB only let me go to 38w.
i would schedule it at 38w with whatever doc you can get. Your doc shares calls with docs that he trusts - so you should feel comfortable with those docs - since you never know who you'll have if you go into labor.
I made it to my 38w1d c/s- couldn't beleive it! You really never know.
I was originally scheduled for a csection at 2 days before 39 weeks but ended up having an emergency csection at 37 weeks due to IUGR of twin B. It turns out I wouldn't have made it to 39 weeks anyway because I started to go into labor the morning of my csection so they would have been born that day or the next day.
Twin A came home with us and twin B is still in the NICU. B was 4lb 3oz at birth and they would have sent her home except she started having drops in her heart rate. We would have had this issue though even if we went to 39 weeks.
GL!! Hang in there. I know those last few weeks are tough but you really do forget all about it once they arrive.
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
No one can predict when you'll go into labor. Statistically you'd go around the 36 week mark.
I made it to my scheduled section at exactly 38 weeks and I know the girls would have stayed put for a little while longer (not sure how long) so it is possible you'd make it to 38w5d, even though it is a bit unlikely.
Best of luck to you!
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I made it to 38w2d (even after several PTL scares between 31w and 35w) and I think those boys would have stuck around longer if we had let them. They went home with me 3 days later.
The last few weeks were horrible (ALL those things you mentioned). I was on bedrest for 3 weeks at the end, so I was bored on top of everything else. But it's SOOO worth it to walk out with both babies.