Babies: 3 - 6 Months

GoodStart Formula Checks

I wanted to ask here first, does anyone use Good Start Formula?  I just got some checks in the mail and I am wondering if anyone can use them.  First one to PM me gets it.


Oh I have one $11.00 check and one $1.00 check.

I hope someone can use these!

AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers

Re: GoodStart Formula Checks

  • I'm going to go to sleep but still PM me if you'd like these.  I would love to help out a fellow 3-6 lady before I post on the swap board.  I will answer back tomorrow. 
    AP, BWing, BFing, CDing, VBAC, Crunchy Mama to my handsome little 2 year old and squishy newbie! Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Babywearing Leader to the DuPage Slingers
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