I haven't felt LO in a few hours...or much at all today.
Before I freak myself out...I want to see if I can get him moving...but can't remember the typical advice. Lying on left side? Cold water? Juice?
Help me out before I call DH at work and freak him out too!
Re: How to get baby moving?
And if worst comes to worst you can come over and use my doppler I do that sometimes too. Do you have a doppler?
Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)
No, and right now I wish I did.
The ice pack trick got a light kick out of him so I feel better, but I'm keeping an eye on it because he's usually a wiggle worm.
He must have given his energy to Silas. Normally he is a quiet booger and tonight he is all over but considering what happened today I am thrilled he is being a bouncy ball!
Our LO had a couple lazy days and now she's kicking the shitt out of my kidneys. Can't win. ; )
Okay, I'm lying on my left side doing kick counts...never done this before.
I've got 6 movements so far...this kid has 20 minutes to move 4 more times or I am calling my OB...