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Thanks! Aren't you one of the ones asking about Sophie? Now you can see how much my DD loves hers. haha.
OMGosh How cute!! She's adorable!
*hides DD's eyes*
I don't want her to see that some kids get cakes for their month b-days, lol.
She is SO cute!
Manalyzer: *hides DD's eyes* I don't want her to see that some kids get cakes for their month b-days, lol. She is SO cute!
HAHA...Yea, this month she decided she might want to try it and swiped it w/her hand. Mommy got to lick it off her fingers. HAHA. No cake for baby!!
Re: AW: DD is 5mths today! PIP
Thanks! Aren't you one of the ones asking about Sophie? Now you can see how much my DD loves hers. haha.
OMGosh How cute!! She's adorable!
*hides DD's eyes*
I don't want her to see that some kids get cakes for their month b-days, lol.
She is SO cute!
Let's try this again...
HAHA...Yea, this month she decided she might want to try it and swiped it w/her hand. Mommy got to lick it off her fingers. HAHA. No cake for baby!!