1st Trimester

she beat me to it...

so my college gf posted on facebook that she's expecting and her due date is 3-4 days after mine...i was waiting until 12 weeks to out myself on facebook...now i feel sad and i can't figure out why?! i got nervous that i'm not really pregnant!! omg...hormones...i'm totally going crazy...

when is everyone outing themselves to everyone, not just close friends and family?

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Re: she beat me to it...

  • I'm going to out myself  on Facebook on Dec 31 and say something cute like :we're so excited for 2010 bc Baby _____ plans to arrive in July..." At that point I'll be just about 12 weeks
  • My IL's are serious news broadcasters.  So, once we tell them, the world will know.  And many people here find this out the hard way, FYI.  We are telling on Christmas (12 weeks).
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  • imagewinelvr:

    so my college gf posted on facebook that she's expecting and her due date is 3-4 days after mine...i was waiting until 12 weeks to out myself on facebook...now i feel sad and i can't figure out why?! i got nervous that i'm not really pregnant!! omg...hormones...i'm totally going crazy...

    when is everyone outing themselves to everyone, not just close friends and family?

    ugghhh girl I FEEL you.  We're waiting until Christmas, and on Thanksgiving my aunt decided to let everyone know the were expecting in July, too!  She's about 2 weeks ahead of me and I was SO sad... and I should have been happy for her!
  • I already have...DH just couldn't stand it, he had to tell.  Since he has already told 3/4 of the people we know, I figured I had better post it on FB or some close friends we hadn't gotten to yet were gonna be pissed that others knew before them!
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  • You can take away all her attention in 3 weeks;)
  • I found facebook pregnancy announcements to be so depressing when I was TTC that I started spending less time on it...so in a way I can understand your feelings of sadness. 

    I'm definitely not going to out myself on facebook until about 14 weeks.  I really think there's a lot to be said for having some time to process and reflect before the whole world is "in your business" and giving you pregnancy advice and other unsolicited comments.  There's something about a pregnant woman that attracts unwanted attention, from what I've seen.   

    Maybe tell yourself that you're getting the better deal by waiting, and take the extra couple of weeks to really plan your announcement and make it awesome!  Plus, chances are good you'll give birth before she does, so you can beat her to the punch with the first baby pics! Big Smile 



  • imageMrsMommyQ:
    I'm going to out myself  on Facebook on Dec 31 and say something cute like :we're so excited for 2010 bc Baby _____ plans to arrive in July..." At that point I'll be just about 12 weeks

    That is too cute!

  • I had to out myself almost right away.  DH was so excited when I called me to tell him about the BFP he told everyone he works with immedeatly.  I am friends with a few of those guys and was worried that they would out me on Facebook so as soon as we told our close friends and family at 6 weeks, we posted something on Facebook.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagesara401:
    You can take away all her attention in 3 weeks;)


    hahahaha thank you, you totally made my night! my poor husband has been trying to comfort me, but it is so overwhelming all the time thinking about this little one sticking!

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  • imageLolo555:

    Maybe tell yourself that you're getting the better deal by waiting, and take the extra couple of weeks to really plan your announcement and make it awesome!  Plus, chances are good you'll give birth before she does, so you can beat her to the punch with the first baby pics! Big Smile 

    hahaha good idea!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Well I had a loss in August - 2 days after outing myself to my entire family and Facebook (it was like 6 1/2 weeks).  So this time I still told my close girlfriends, but we aren't telling the world until I hit 2nd tri, so it will be around the end of January.  It will be tough to get through Christmas with my family without telling everyone and if it's just totally obvious (I'm throwing up or looking like hell), then that might change, but definitely no big internet announcements until January.
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  • I told FB after my 10 week appt when we heard the heartbeat on the doppler and saw the baby on the ultrasound.
  • I'm not planning on outing myself on FB. ?I figure at some point news will get around and anyone that should know will know. ?I probably have more "friends" on FB than I should. ?I try to be selective and only accept friends with people I'm actually friends with, but you know how it is! ?I think that eventually it will be out on FB and I'll be ok with it, but I feel like sometimes FB turns into this "everybody knows my business at every moment" kinda thing and it gets really impersonal. ?A friend of mine actually just posted something kind of vague about the baby on my wall and I immediately deleted it. ?I guess I'm just not that ready for the world to know my business.
  • We told friends and family over Thankgiving weekend.  We saw the heartbeat a week before.  I didn't think my husband would call everyone, but he did and it is super cute to see him so excited.  It is only a secret at work and since some of my work friends are on Facebook, I have it on lockdown. 
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  • We told my family over Thanksgiving and my mom already whined that she cannot keep it a secret this time around.  I am just waiting for it to make it through the grapevine and end up on my facebook.  We are considering announcing it just so that we can be the ones to do it.
  • We've told close family members and a few friends but we're going to wait until 10 weeks to post an u/s pic and the due date and let people figure it out from there.
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  • I have no plans to out myself on Facebook, because I think that is weird.

    DH's family knows since we told them at Thanskgiving.  We'll tell my siblings, aunts, uncles, etc at Christmas when we see them.

    I've told my close friends and sorority pledge class.  I figure eventually someone will say something on Facebook, but I have no intention of saying anything myself.

    Also, I've turned off my "wall" for the time being.

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