1st Trimester

Lots of small meals?

Hi, I'm new to 1st tri ::points below:: Big Smile and I have a food question:

I've never been in the habit of eating breakfast. As a matter of fact, although I eat quite healthily (mostly all natural/organic), I don't have good meal-timing habits at all.  I typically get all of my calories from dinner and lunch (when I remember to have lunch at work).

Obviously, I am going to change my terrible habits ASAP, as I just got my BFP tonight. But I'm just curious how many times you guys eat per day, and what your meals consist of.

Re: Lots of small meals?

  • I eat whatever and whenever I can. I'm usually very nauseous when i first wake up and the only thing that makes it go away is to eat. (this is true thorughout the day too. I feel better when I eat even though I really don't feel like eating.) So, while you definitely should start adding breakfast, listen to your body. As you get farther along, it'll tell you what it needs.

    ETA--I  made it sound like I eat like a pig. I totally dont. I just meant that I can't always choke food down,but I do try. And if I'm craving something, I usually go get it bc I figure it's better to eat and not feel nauseous than feel like craap all day

  • I used to never eat breakfast either.  Now, shortly after I get up in the morning I'll usually have some taost with peanut butter for breakfast.  I'll snack throughout the day on crackers and maybe some veggi's if we have any.  For dinner DH usually makes cooks up some sort of meat, usually chicken or steak, and then maybe rice and some veggi, usually corn.  I always keep my meals really small, if I eat too much I'll just get sick.  I don't usually have anything for lunch, just keep on snacking of crackers.  HTH!
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  • Small meals are the way to go for me at least for 1st and 3rd tri.  Lately I just have toast because I need something in my stomach if I'm going to make it until lunch time.  I try to snack on crackers and fruit when I can during the day. 


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  • I eat whatever random stuff I can find at the moment since I work full-time and go to school too. The most important thing is to drink ALOT of water (don't end up dehydrated in L&D like me) and try to get in some protein. If you miss breakfast, don't kill yourself over it. Everything turns out fine.
  • This is me so far:

    Breakfast: Fiber One bar and PNV's with bottle of water

    Snack: Bannana or something like that w/ water

    Lunch: Big salad with chicken on it w/ water

    Snack: Fiber One bar w/ water

    Dinner Lean meat with Salad and water.

  • i'm already to the pt where i have to eat every couple of hrs or i get shaky (i have tendency towards blood sugar issues) so i make sure i eat first thing in the morning and always keep a snack handy just in case i get the shakes.  but generally i have a small bf (same thing my kids eat, a pancake or waffle, fruit) a simple sandwich lunch and i cook dinner.  i've done weight watchers so my cooking reflects that a lot.  i struggle w/ wanting sweets before bedtime so i might have a yogurt or something like that.
  • Congrats on your BFP.

    I am snacking a lot more than I ever have before but also seem to be able to eat a lot less in a meal. I can't finish a full meal.

    Go with what your body tells you, it's a good start. 

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