The bad:
1. I was 30 min late to MMO drop off
2. I was 10 min late to MMO pick up
3. Lila didn't take a nap
4. I had to take a pain pill.
5. MH leaves for Seattle tomorrow and won't be back until Friday night.
The good:
1. I made it through the day.
2. I got two loads of laundry done.
3. We had Cara's 3 week well check today and she's gained almost 2 lbs and the pedi said that when babies are as laid back as her they usually stay that way so I don't need to keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Re: survived my first day alone with 3
I felt like super woman when i made it through my first day with all 3, too
Esp since I managed to take them to Target and back - without anyone losing it 
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
glad you survived:)
I don't see how you do it. I don't like being alone with one!
Sounded tough! I am sure it gets better. I feel lost sometimes with just 2!